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A thoughtful and creative alternative to pink outfits and blankets, this collectin of sweets and Pooh will be enjoyed by Mother and child. Even Daddy, siblings, and visitors will be able to partake. Will make a lasting impression.
Contents: Rectangular white basket with handle, Classic Winnie the Pooh stuffed animal, White Chocolate bark with fruit pieces, Lemon Tea cookies covered with White Chocolate 2 oz., Chocolate Raisin popper, The Tale of Jemina Puddle Duck Chocolate Book, "Beth" Babies Lemon Butter cookies, 2 "Cappriccio All Mandorla" Italian Biscuits, "Mandorle Ricoprte Di Cioccolato" Italian Cocoa Covered almonds 8.8 oz. box. Size:12"1 X 9 1/2"w X 11"h